Pig behavior is an integral part of health and welfare management, as pigs usually reflect their inner emotions through behavior change. Therefore, monitoring and tracking pigs’ physical behaviors using a simple RGB camera and a deep-learning object detection model, coupled with a real-time tracking algorithm, would effectively monitor the individual pigs’ health and welfare.

In addition, standing, sternal-lying, and walking activities were decreased with the increment in GHG levels. With the increase in GHG concentration, the pigs became less active, increasing their lateral-lying posture duration. Additionally, the corresponding pig posture and locomotion activity were measured before, during, and after an hour of treatment. The naturally occurring GHGs in the livestock were elevated by closing ventilators for an hour in the morning, during the day, and at nighttime. A deep-learning-based pig posture and locomotion activity detection and tracking algorithm were designed to measure those behavior changes in an experimental pig barn at different greenhouse gas (GHG) levels.

Therefore, people intrinsically used animal physical activities as an indicator to determine their health and welfare status. Serious little piggy fans may have even started to develop a hilariously adorable British accent and a constant obsession with jumping in muddy puddles.Animals exhibit their internal and external stimuli through changing behavior. A lovable, cheeky little piggy who lives with her Mummy, Daddy, and little brother George, Peppa is a popular character amongst tiny tots, so much so that her show was one of the top-streamed kids’ shows of 2020. If you’ve spent time with a preschooler within the past ten years or so, then you’re likely very familiar with Peppa Pig. It is a pattern that lies at the heart of many, if not most, pre-school books even as far back as AA Milne’s classic Winnie-the-Pooh and its sequel The House at Pooh Corner although the family circumstances of the young animals and what they learn is rather different. Within the home, Peppa experiences all kinds of useful things beyond the home, she plays with her friends from other families. The basic structure of Peppa Pig revolves around the simple family set up of Peppa, her younger brother George and her kindly Mummy and Daddy. In terms of content, books can readily match the creation of easy-to-understand characters and the setting up of scenes of reassuring familiar experiences.